Autism Acceptance and Normalacy

According to Holiday Awareness calendars, April Is Autism Awareness Month.

Being aware that differences in thinking and living can co-exist is vital.

However, for most autistic people, the awareness model is too close to the medical model for comfort and safety. As if autism is something that can be, and should be, cured.

Autistics are altruistic. They think deeply, of all the cause, effect, and consequences, before they act or speak. Often, losing track of conversations, and confusing those, who are not autistic.

Pete Warmby’s thread on Sensory Overload: This happens anytime I am around more than one or two people I know. Even in places I feel safe, and know everyone there.

More from Pete Warmby on Autism and being more than just aware it exists. People need to accept it and understand how it affects every faucet of a person’t daily life. Every routine, subroutine, waking, eating, sleeping, and organizing. And yet, it’s so much more than just those stereotypes. It is a way of life that searches for meaning in every word spoken, every deed done. This means that everything you do that is out of the routine is being fully analyzed every second. To understand, cause, effect, consequences, and more. This why it can take more than a split second to make decisions. Every facet must be weighed continuously. It can be exhausting to do anything out of the daily routine.

If you want to follow Pete Warmby, he has a blog with his recent autism posts at: . He also has a few articles on the Huffington Post: and of course, his Twitter account: @commaficionado.

There are dozens of great autism accounts to follow on Twitter. Another of my favorites is on Twitter and Facebook as: The Girl With the Curly Hair @curlyhairedalis. I agree with about 99% of the posts she posts. And by agree, I mean, I feel as if she has taken the words right out of my mouth, and spoken them for me.

Autism, Aspergers, whatever you want to call it. It is normal for me. To think before I speak, or act. To look before I leap. To see the things that others don’t, even with only 10 degrees of vision. To hear the things, that others forget, even with limited hearing. To prefer silence. Alone time. Do the things that matter in life. Without constant speech, sound, or motion. Saying what you mean, and not leaving the listener, or reader, to guess.

I have a few interesting thoughts and connections of autism. For those who understand and work with genetics, it would be a questions for them. So, I’ll not voice it here. Only to say that I see connections between autism and some of my ancestor’s way of life.

Bending the Bars Thunderclap Campaign

Bending the Bars


I have attempted to use the Thunderclap program to help my books reach beyond my tiny follower collection. If I don’t succeed with the two I have chosen to try during the holiday season for books, I won’t try it again.

The problem is, you have to have up to 100 supporters. Each, click for each of the three social networks counts as a supporter.

So if you want to help, click the link, and add support on each of the three networks (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr).

Share the posts, so others can click the links.

Bending the Bars needs 41 more supporters in less than nine days to be posted. At this point, if it posts, it will reach a potential audience of 170,000 plus all additional audiences added by the remaining 40 supporters. Don’t worry if one of your networks only has a few followers.

If it doesn’t get enough supporters, it will not go out at all.

Bending the Bars is a painful book for some people. It may not be for you, or your audiences. However, shares may save a life. And that saved life, may save millions more in descendants, health or technology breakthroughs, and many other ways.

So, please support this book, or share the link to those who can.

If this book is not for your audiences, please support my other book.

Book Title: Bending the Bars
Genre: Abuse Survival
Age: Adult

Anne’s story need never be documented.
If existing law had protected Anne, and Ruby’s children, Ruby’s Law would never have been written.
Jo and Lennie begin a 20 year trek to find and rescue Anne from her abusive husband.
They rescue hundreds of other women, children, and the occasional man.
Often, the survivors have known no other life.
They have been conditioned to believe abuse is normal.
The search for Anne continues. Their hope begins to fade.
Bodies burn out.
More stations open.
More people try to escape. Stuck in the legal limbo land, where they are safe from abusers, while surrounded by other survivors, with little hope of full recovery. Few make it out to live beyond the bars that Ruby’s Law has given to protect them. It simply isn’t safe. Abusers wait out there. Often barely beyond the fence.
Can the New Underground Railroad Project stay on track to train abuse survivors to live abuse-free on their own?
Or will they remain behind the legal bars that protect them from their abusers?

Other notes:

Bending the Bars is a journey though recognition of abusers, and survivors in the United States. It recognizes how the laws protect the abusers at the expense of the abused. It also conveys reasons why so many stay when they are abused. They often feel there is no escape. Often, there isn’t. If they have children, they have to leave without them, potentially condemning their children to worse than if they stay. Legally. It shouldn’t be that way. Ruby’s Law is a weak start to grant safety to survivors, and a place to bend the bars of abuse, without breaking the survivors.

Author’s Note:
Book Title: Bending the Bars
Genre: Abuse Survival
Age: Adult
Rating: PG 16
Profanity: None
Romance: In passing.
Sex: Mentioned.
Violence: Some. Car chases, shootings, survivors of abuse

POV Characters: Jo Forester, Lennie Darendale
Length: 80,000 words

#Abusesurvival, #dysfunctionalfamilies, #religiousabuse, #abusesurvivorlaw, #abusesurvivorrecovery, #codependency, #selfesteem, #BodyLanguage& #NonverbalCommunication, #PTSD, #crime, #legalsystem, #domesticviolence #thunderclap

The Stork Mis-Delivered – Twice – Abuse Survivor



Mistie Jolin dreams of a future like the ones she has read about in books. Her past won’t get her there. Only escape will.
College goes downhill when she realizes health care isn’t available to students with real medical needs.
The army is her last hope. Once there, she is pulled back into a past better buried, to uncover secrets she never dreamed existed.
Secrets that will haunt her, and hundreds more till they die. Mistie must face her fears, the past, and those she has come to trust. Her hope is that they will allow her to recover, and become a real person, rather than the shadow that creeps on the wall and follows her every move.

The Stork Mis-Delivered – Twice is a tale that could have happened. Many aspects have happened to many young girls, women, and even men. This is a violent tale. One that looks at the generational damage caused by abuse, neglect, and pain. There is no easy answer as to why survivors do not escape. Most have been conditioned since childhood to believe the abuse is normal. Or, they hope by bearing the abuse themselves, it prevents others from being abused. Often, survivors have nowhere safe to go. Or financial resources to reach a safe place. Laws bind children to their abuser. If they do escape, abusers follow, and bring them back into the endless cycle.
While any of these events could have occurred, this tale is not based on any real life, or combination of lives.

Rating: R.
Profanity: Obvious, unprinted.
Romance: None.
Sex: Off the page. Acknowledged. Violent acts acknowledged as well.
Violence: Alluded to. Court case that covers child sex abuse victims.
Originally written: 2010.

POV Characters: Mistie Jolin
Length: 80,000 words


Amazon Print: and

Apple I books (1270998922)

Barnes Noble Nook



Kobo (1230001546507 )

Smashwords (co-publishes at): (9781370698851)

Soon to be available on Google Play!

#Abusesurvival, #dysfunctionalfamilies, #religiousabuse, #abusesurvivorlaw, #abusesurvivorrecovery, #co-dependency, #self-esteem, #BodyLanguage&NonverbalCommunication, #PTSD, #crime, #legalsystem, #domesticviolence

Bending the Bars – Abuse Survival

Bending the Bars


Book Title: Bending the Bars
Genre: Abuse Survival
Age: Adult

Anne’s story need never be documented.
If existing law had protected Anne, and Ruby’s children, Ruby’s Law would never have been written.
Jo and Lennie begin a 20 year trek to find and rescue Anne from her abusive husband.
They rescue hundreds of other women, children, and the occasional man.
Often, the survivors have known no other life.
They have been conditioned to believe abuse is normal.
The search for Anne continues. Their hope begins to fade.
Bodies burn out.
More stations open.
More people try to escape. Stuck in the legal limbo land, where they are safe from abusers, while surrounded by other survivors, with little hope of full recovery. Few make it out to live beyond the bars that Ruby’s Law has given to protect them. It simply isn’t safe. Abusers wait out there. Often barely beyond the fence.
Can the New Underground Railroad Project stay on track to train abuse survivors to live abuse-free on their own?
Or will they remain behind the legal bars that protect them from their abusers?

Other notes:

Bending the Bars is a journey though recognition of abusers, and survivors in the United States. It recognizes how the laws protect the abusers at the expense of the abused. It also conveys reasons why so many stay when they are abused. They often feel there is no escape. Often, there isn’t. If they have children, they have to leave without them, potentially condemning their children to worse than if they stay. Legally. It shouldn’t be that way. Ruby’s Law is a weak start to grant safety to survivors, and a place to bend the bars of abuse, without breaking the survivors.

Author’s Note:
Book Title: Bending the Bars
Genre: Abuse Survival
Age: Adult
Rating: PG 16
Profanity: None
Romance: In passing.
Sex: Mentioned.
Violence: Some. Car chases, shootings, survivors of abuse

POV Characters: Jo Forester, Lennie Darendale
Length: 80,000 words

Apple I books

Barnes Noble Nook


Kobo (1230001546293 )


Soon to be on Google Play!

#Abusesurvival, #dysfunctionalfamilies, #religiousabuse, #abusesurvivorlaw, #abusesurvivorrecovery, #co-dependency, #self-esteem, #BodyLanguage&NonverbalCommunication, #PTSD, #crime, #legalsystem, #domesticviolence

Human Rights – Right to Community

This list of human rights is the one that should be simplest.  Those rights you want for yourself, you should also want for your neighbor.  However, these seem to be the most contentious.  People want these rights for themselves, and yet they want to dictate to others what they can, or cannot do.  While you may be able to request that a person not do (or say) certain things within your home, or business, it hurts everyone to do so.  There may be certain reasons, such as PTSD, that may okay caution in some rare cases.

Freedom to:
Own property
Express thoughts and ideas
Privacy of home and correspondence
Economic security
A job, a fair wage, and a trade union
Marriage and Family (including adoption)
Create Intellectual Property
Community Responsibility

Every person should have the freedom to own property.  For some reason, our society counts success as owning objects.  When  whole segments of the population are not allowed to own anything, they will never be viewed as successful, which leads to a magnitude of problems.

Religion.  A contentious subject.  As it should be.  It is private and personal, and should remain that way.  No one needs to know, unless they live in your home.  Or, their religious choices hurt or kill others.  Then, those people fall back into the legal human rights category.

All humans, regardless of age, gender, or background should be able to express their thoughts and ideas in mediums they choose, as long as they do not hurt others.  These thoughts and ideas do have consequences.

All humans should have the right to privacy, both in the home, and in public.  Their health, and other records should never be available to the public.  Very rare instances should any of these documents be made available to doctors, police departments, and employers.

Although, it could benefit deafblind individuals for police to know there are deafblind individuals in the community.  They sometimes need specialized to training to realize that a deafblind person may not hear them, or recognize that a police office is there.  Some deafblind individuals have died in recent years due to being shot by police who were unaware that a person walking with a cane was not a threat, and had no way of knowing they were there and yelling at them.

All humans should have the right to live with, and financially support the people they choose to.  Whether as a spouse, or a friend.  This support should be extended to include insurance (until national payer exists) housing, ad hospital visitation.

All people should have the right to adopt a child if they are deemed a fit parent.  Some parents may work outside the home, while others, who remain at home, can care for the children who need a full time parent.

All humans should have a right to fair and safe employment.  This includes fair wages, equal wages -regardless of gender, age, or ability.  In this case, ability applies to accommodating visual, hearing, and physical disabilities, not the ability to do the job.

All humans should have the right to have vacation.  Time to read, rest, and be around family.  Working every waking moment for 30 or 40 years simply leads to disability, and a wasted life.

All humans should have access to health.  Both healthcare, and real health opportunities.  Healthcare is vital to well being.  Without time off, and short enough work days, people cannot eat or exercise properly to maintain their health.

All people should have a right to an education.  Education stretches the mind and keeps the person busy and happy.  It helps people relate, understand, and empathize with others, regardless of their situation.

An often forgotten component of human rights is the concept of community responsibility.  If a community normalizes abusers, they should not be surprised at the results – damaged community members who cannot fill the roles society expects them to.  If you see someone abusing another, it’s important to stand up for them.  It is the only way abuse will stop.  These survivors need to know they have community support.  Even if that support is simply agreement, and preventing of victimization.

The list goes on and on.  Basically, if you feel you have a certain right, then so does the person next to you.

#Humanrights #womensrights #health #safety #life

Secrets will haunt Mistie, and hundreds of others till death. #PTSD #abusesurvivor The Stork Mis-Delivered – Twice

Survivors feel there is no escape. Often, there isn’t. Legally. It shouldn’t be that way. #codependency #BendingtheBars

Human Rights – Freedom From List

Human rights are something that should not need to be debated.  Only those who put other people’s lives in jeopardy risk the right to freedom.  Even then, they are protected by other rights that determine how they should be treated, and how the planet should be protected from them.

One of the most basic aspects of human rights is the freedom from section.

Freedom from:
Slavery (even wage slavery)
Imprisonment without just cause
Forced Deportation

Freedom from slavery has changed meaning over the last few centuries. Originally, it meant that people personally bought and sold other people as if they were belongings instead of individuals.  However, it has come to be recognized as corporate slavery – where local corporations refuse to pay a living wage, and there is no where for the person to go.  Kinda like the old mining towns, and owing your soul to the company store, simply because you owed so much, you couldn’t leave.  With no chance to escape, alive.

Every person should be free from torture.  Yet, governments are using it again against people.  Even the fear, or mention of torture should be too much.

Freedom from religion.  Religion is a person choice.  One that should not be forced on another.  People have the right to choose a religion, or not choose one.  No one should require, or demand that a religion be required.  It is understandable that some religious organizations would prefer employees with the same beliefs.  However, they should never degrade people who have other beliefs.

Every person should have freedom from imprisonment without just cause.  False imprisonment leads to loss of wages, work time, and community success.  At times in our history, it has been considered okay, and sometimes a safety issue to put people behind bars to protect them, whether from themselves, or others. It would be nice to believe our country has grown beyond that need to protect citizens this way.

Forced deportation of legal citizens, legal immigrants, and those visiting the US is a human rights violation.  It should not be tolerated.  Even criminals should not be forced to leave without a proper trial, sentencing, and legal outcome.

The only exception to following human rights laws is when their rights attempt to trample yours.  The old saying goes, “Your rights end where mine being.”  No one has the right to take your rights away.  Unless, you are using them to hurt others.

#Humanrights #womensrights #health #safety #life

Ruby’s Law is a weak start, a chance to bend the bars of abuse, without breaking the survivors. #domesticviolence

There is no easy answer as to why survivors do not escape. Often, they’ve no where to go. #Domesticviolence

Human Rights and Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is human rights and sexual assault awareness month.  As well as child abuse prevention and pet first aid training month.  Online calendars have a long list of awareness events for the month of April.  A blog could cover one each year, and never cover them all in a full human lifetime.

Many of the subjects for this month can be depressing, so I’ll try to intersperse them with the more cheerful topics.

The first topic of the month will be human rights.

Human rights should be given to all people, regardless of ethnicity, religion, or gender.

Below is a basic list of Human Rights:

Freedom from:
Slavery (incuding wage slavery)
Imprisonment without just cause
Forced Deportation without just cause.

Freedom to:
Own property
Express thoughts and ideas
Peaceful assembly
Recognition as a person
Legal Equality and Recourse
Fair and Public Trial
Innocent Until Proven Guilty
Privacy of home and correspondence
Economic security
A job, a fair wage, and a trade union
Seek asylum in another country
Marriage and Family
Social Order
Create Intellectual Property
Community Responsibility

The only time some human rights should be waived is for people who sexual assault others.  Those people have no right to be out and about among the rest of the human population.

These issues will be covered in deeper detail in later blogs.

#Humanrights #womensrights #health #safety #life

The Stork Mis-Delivered – Twice looks at generational damage caused by abuse, neglect, and pain. #domesticviolence

Survivors have known no other life.  They are conditioned to believe abuse is normal. #BendingtheBars #selfesteem